Brian Zahnd
Brian Zahnd
Follower of Jesus
The cross is shock therapy for a world addicted to solving its problems through violence.
If today I’m trying to walk the narrow path of nonviolence peacemaking, it’s only because it’s where I find the footsteps of Jesus.
The cross shames the ancient deception that freedom and justice can be attained by killing.
Jesus is the one who saves us from a harmful misreading of the Old Testament. Both Jesus and Paul show us how to read the Old Testament in a redemptive way. To read the Bible in the light of Christ is to discover a Biblical trajectory. A trajectory away from violence and vengeance, and toward mercy and inclusion.
In Revelation we discover that God’s kingdom does not come by the violent means of the beast, but by the self-sacrificing way of the Lamb.
If we think the ideas of Jesus about peace are irrelevant in the age of genocide and nuclear weapons, we have invented an utterly irrelevant Christianity!
The Bible is not the full revelation of God. Jesus is! This is what John means when he dares to say that no one has seen God. It’s Jesus who reveals God.