
Life creates conditions conducive to life. It builds soil; it cleans air; it cleans water; it mixes the cocktail of gases that you and I need to live. And it does that in the middle of having great foreplay and meeting their needs. So it’s not mutually exclusive. We have to find a way to meet our needs, while making of this place an Eden.

Become like the earth, like the tree – simply life. If you are simply life, your human consciousness will naturally find expression.

Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in ‘just being’. Allow nature to teach you stillness. When you look at a tree and perceive its stillness, you become still yourself.

Nature is an incredible cooperative. When things operate outside of that cooperative, they die off. It's a very simple rule that nature operates under.

Nature runs on sunlight.
Nature uses only the energy it needs. Nature fits form to function. Nature recycles everything. Nature rewards cooperation. Nature banks on diversity.
Nature demands local expertise. Nature curbs excesses from within. Nature taps the power of limits.

There's one fundamental law that all of nature obeys that mankind breaks every day. Now, this is a law that has evolved over billions of years, and the law is this: Nothing in nature takes more than it needs.

But what I am going to do is tell you that the most important thing, besides all of these adaptations, is the fact that these organisms have figured out a way to do the amazing things they do while taking care of the place that's going to take care of their offspring. When they're involved in foreplay, they're thinking about something very, very important -- and that's having their genetic material remain, 10,000 generations from now. And that means finding a way to do what they do without destroying the place that'll take care of their offspring. That's the biggest design challenge.

When you eat, you take in a part of the earth. How we treat the planet is how we treat our own bodies.

The earth is the basis of life. Spending some time touching soil, plants, or trees will harmonize your system.

When you perceive nature only through the mind, through thinking, you cannot sense its aliveness, its beingness. When you perceive nature, let there be spaces of no thought, no mind. You reconnect with nature in the most intimate and powerful way by becoming aware of your breathing and learning to hold your attention there. Allow nature to teach you stillness.